On-line resolution of Dispute Mechanism
Securities and Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”) vide its Circular No. SEBI/HO/OIAE/OIAE_IAD-
1/P/CIR/2023/145 dated July 31, 2023 (as updated) has introduced on-line Resolution of
Disputes mechanism for holders of securities by establishing an On-line Dispute Resolution
Portal (“ODR Portal”) which harnesses on-line Conciliation and on-line Arbitration for resolution
of disputes arising in the Indian Securities Market.
Disputes between Investors and the company arising out of latter's activities, can be pursued in
accordance with the said Circular.
On-line ODR Portal, called the SMART ODR has been established for this purpose, the link to
access the portal :
Click here
An Investor can lodge a complaint directly to the Company, escalating it further through SCORE
system, before initiating dispute resolution through the ODR Portal or alternatively, can directly
initiate dispute resolution through the ODR Portal, provided no complaint is pending at any level
or with any court, tribunal, consumer forum or before any arbitral process or SCORES or the
Company or is not under CIRP-IBC or winding up or liquidation.
Under ODR Portal, the complaint will first be routed through Conciliation process. In case of non-
resolution through the Conciliation process or if the parties to the dispute desire, the matter can
be escalated to Arbitration process.
The entire process will be conducted in the on-line mode and in accordance with SEBI Circulars
from time to time.